(A,B), (D,E), (G,H), pairs of confocal images from the same section and field to illustrate chandelier cell axon terminals (arrowhead) around the axon initial segment (arrow) of PHF-tau-ir neurons (red) with type II staining in the CA1 field (A,B) and subiculum (D,E) of patient P3, and in CA1 of patient P7 (G,H). Panels (C), (F), and (I) were obtained by combining images (A) and (B), (D) and (E), and (G) and (H), respectively. Chandelier cell axon terminals were labeled using antibodies against VGAT, GAT-1 or PV (green). Scale bar: 43 μm.
Pericellular innervation of neurons expressing abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau in the hippocampal formation of Alzheimer's disease patients, Lidia Blazquez-Llorca et al., Neuroanatomy 10.3389/fnana.2010.00020 (2010)